Joseph Ferdinando (Carvajal) BrokerAgain, I am indebted to Dr. Peter Ferdinando for finding a copy of Joseph Ferdinando's Broker's Bond which he uncovered at the Record Office of the Corporation of London, in the Guildhall but separate from the Library. My guess is that the first part is in Latin (do correct me if I am wrong).
Noverint universi pręsentes me Joseph Ferdinando (indecipherable script) toneri & firmiter obligari, Majori ac Communitati Civibus Civitat' London', in quingnt' Libris legalis Monet & Anglię, solvend' eisdem Majori ac Communitati & Civibus, aut suo certo Attornat'; Ad quam quidem solutionem bene & fideliter faciend', Obligo me Hęredes Executores & Administratores meos firmiter per pręsentes. Sigillo meo Sigillat', Dat (indecipherable text) die (indeciphearble) Anno Dom' 1697 - Annowue Regni Domini Nostri (indecipherable) Dei gratia Anglię, Scotię, Francię & Hibernię Regis, Fidei defensor, &c (indecipherable) The Condition of this Obligation is such, That Whereas the above-bounden Joseph Ferdinando is sworn and admitted a Broker, pursuant to a Statute in that behalf lately made. Now therefore if the said Joseph Ferdinando do and shall well and truly use, execute and perform the Office and Employment of a Broker between party and Party, without Fraud, Covin, or any corrupt or crafty Devices, according to the purport, true intent and meaning of the said Statute in that Case lately made and provided; Then this Obligation to be void, or else to remain in full force and virtue.
Sigillat' & deliberat' in pręsentia nostrum
Signed Joseph Ferdinando.
Witness 1 (indecipherable) Witness 2 (Indecipherable) Bank of EnglandI was lucky to find a note relating to Joseph Ferdinando as having been a customer of the Bank of England. The article by Mr. J. A. Giuseppi F.S.A. was contained in yet another JHSE Transaction, number XIX, and led me to then get the JHSE Miscellanies VI that contained a listing of all of the Stock Holders. Unfortunately, Joseph was not a stock holder, although many of his broker colleagues were. I visited the archives and found that Joseph had only used the Bank once in 1694, the same year as its formation. He used it to deposit some money and then immediately proceeded to take it out again. (See below). The archives are fascinating and contain original Ledger books of gigantic proportions, beautifully written and indexed, as you would expect, I suppose, from such an organisation. Joseph's transactions were as follows:
£1500 is not an insignificant amount of money in those days and perhaps, as a broker, he had dealings with one of the Customers of the Bank and used their facilities. Other than this he does not appear again as a customer so perhaps he used the Goldsmith Bankers or some other means for exercising his business transactions? In today's money (2001) this would be circa £150,000! Thanks to John Ferdinando for doing the maths on this one! |